DEFLAME with Dr. H
Regain your health by taking control of your inflammation.

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Inflammation Quiz
See how much inflammation is affecting your health + next steps towards resolution

42-Day Inflammation Reset
Learn the easiest ways to combat inflammation in my week-by-week program
For me, your health is personal!
After struggling chronic gut, inflammation & skin issues for years, I finally found the right combination to reverse it all. What started as a quest to conquer my own health problems has turned into a programs that has helped many women learn the simple, approachable and sustainable ways to live their best lives - free of gut issues, inflammation & hormonal imbalances and full of energy!
Read my story

Take my free inflammation quiz to discover how much inflammation is affecting your health!

The main reasons I came to Dr H.: my stomach pains, bloating, gas etc. and diarrhea have ALL improved. Significantly. Although I still experience some of those symptoms to an extent, I’m shocked at how much better I feel daily.

Massive improvements in gut aches and pains after eating as well as regular bowel movements. Less PMS symptoms this cycle.